Sunday, February 27, 2005

Space with Geocities

For step by step instruction open this document
this is a test to diplay images stored in geocities

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

www and all that stuff...

There are lots of acronyms and term that come with the world wide web. It is very useful to have a fundamental understanding of some of these to get the most out of the web. Go to your blog and give a breakdown of the following web address, explain the role each section to the address. Which is the TLD and what does it tell us, which is the domain name, what does http stand for etc. Also what information could you gain from the address, what country and who are they. nz

Friday, February 18, 2005

Input devices, output device - what the...

You may hear computer jargon that sounds a little confusing. As an introduction to Operate Computer Hardware we are going to get over that.
Go to your blog and list:
Input devices used to:
  1. get text into your computer
  2. capture pictures
  3. capture sound
  4. pointing device to drive gui.
Output Device:
  1. hardcopy
  2. see what you are doing real time
  3. hear sound

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

I have set up some space for the class at Geocities

blogger does not provide space for pictures which is why we are setting up flickr accounts. I have also set up a space at geocities. We will have a look at uploading pictures there to put on class blogs.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Welcome to Cert II @ BM

Welcome to Cert II in information Technology at Blue Mountains College of TAFE. Perhaps this is you first blogging experience to...!
CII in Information Technology is a broad overview of a range of areas in Information Technology that will give you an excellent foundation for any area you may wish to persue further. You will study a range of software and hardware subjects - by the end of the course your friends will be reffering to you as a computer expert and calling you at 3 in the morning to come fix their computer. You may have developed a passion for a given area in IT and continue further study or take your new found skills and get a job.
Todays class is the Multimedia aspect of the course. We will explore the web and how it works, learn to write html to make your own website from scratch and many of the wonders of multimedia.
Your first task will be to jump into the web and create your own blog - your web address will be "" ie "" Once you have set up an account you can create as many blogs as you like withing that account. This blog will be your class blog.
Roll up your sleeves....